From the Mandarin Consulting International UK Programme Manager, Roshi Gorsia
It is my pleasure to welcome you to Mandarin Consulting International. We look forward to helping through our Global Elite Coaching programme to understand the recruitment processes and to develop the practical skills and knowledge necessary to succeed and launch a successful career as a future global elite.
I am happy to help you understand and use our service. Here is some advice to get you started.
1. You have already received an initial email from me with the password to access this site. Please take the time to familiarise yourself with this MC Portal, using the tabs above. It has important information to help you.
2. You use the MC Portal to book CV, Interview and Assessment Centre coaching sessions. To book a session use the ‘Book a Session’ tab above.
3. Please note all other coaching is Personal Coaching which you arrange directly with your Personal Coach.
4. I have also sent you all our introductory documents and guides. Please take time to read these documents as they will help you get the most from our coaching service.
Please do not hesitate to contact us.
Useful contacts
· Roshi Gorsia Programme Manager: rp@mandarinconsultant.com
· Customer Services: customerservice@mandarinconsultant.com
· Please use this link if you have any comments, queries or feedback
Thank you!
I wish you every success!
Please click the Read Me link below to learn what steps to take next.